Friday 8 August 2014

Where I am right now - CBT take two

It's been almost a year since I last wrote in this blog, I moved house to Reading and started my new job as a student finance and admissions advisor at a FE college. I was really busy, and being so busy made me tired and seemed to use up all of my brain, my job is totally different to the library work I had done before and required learning loads of new processes from scratch. Everything was pretty good, living with my boyfriend is really awesome, my new job is hard work but enjoyable, I have a better online network.

But, there are bad things. I have a daily commute of nearly 4 hours, and my job is pretty stressful. Two things that make my mental health worse? Stress and tiredness. I moved away from London just as I was starting to know people and find fun things to do, and Reading is much quieter and more conservative than London, no queer club nights for example. I've made a few friends and done some dating, some of that went pretty badly, and one good friend I made moved away.

Essentially, I've been backsliding socially, and not noticing because I was happy spending time with my boyfriend, and having alone time when he's out on dates. But the last three or four weeks, for no real reason I can tell, depression just settled on me - I felt bad about myself, I had no interest in anything, getting tickets to see Against Me! made me happy for about 5 minutes. In a way this may have been a good thing, it made me realise how much I was getting back to how I was before CBT, I'd stopped even trying to meet new people and be social, despite still being lonely and wanting friends. And when I was put in social situations? Back to freaking out, including an anxiety attack in a poly-related situation that I think was much more about my anxiety than poly stuff.

So, back to the doctor, and back to CBT. I was pretty wary when offered it by the mental health team, because of already having done it, but apparently it can often take more than one lot to have a real effect. I've been really lucky, again, in hardly having to wait any time at all from being referred by my doctor to having my introductory session, which was yesterday.

My depression has finally started to lift, and I wasn't feeling too nervous before the session, but basically it was horrible and I cried nearly the whole way through. I know a lot of people have problems with CBT because of the emphasis on changing thoughts, a lot of people feel that CBT blames them for not trying hard enough not to be ill, and basically that is how I felt. I was already feeling silly and embaressed about having let myself get back in a situation where I'm not managing my anxiety. I was also struggling to explain why I feel the way I do, my therapist kept asking WHY I feel like nobody likes me, and I KNOW the way I feel isn't rational, but telling me it isn't rational doesn't change it.

These are things that I'm more able to preocess with a bit of time to think, but there wan another thing I had an isue with in the session, when I mentioned not being straight my therapist said 'Oh you're not straight? But I thought you have a boyfriend?' Now I've had people say basically those exact words to me before, but it was the way she said it, it sounded accusatory, and I basically snapped 'I'm bisexual' at her. Later in the session she was asking why I think I'm so different from everyone else, that there are pleanty of other bisexual feminists, I felt like she was accusing me of trying to invoke some kind of special snowflake status. Maybe my personality is the reason I struggle to connect with most people, but of all the people I've met and know IRL I can only thingk of one bisexual poly feminist, incidentally she's one of my very few offline friends. And of course I'm not going to tell her about being polyamorous now, because I don't feel safe to, but that's going to affect my sessions quite a lot because one of the ways I'm generally ok to meet people is through internet dating.

The more I write and think about this the more annoyed I am. Last night I was upset, my instinct was to just quit therapy, call them up and say I'd changed my mind. Then my instinct was to second guess myself, assume it's all my fault that it went badly and I just have to try harder. Now, with a bit of time to reflect I don't know what to do.